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Kinect Is Going To Watch How You Browse, Not Just What You Buy

There are endless metrics a store has access to when it comes to when, what, and who is buying merchandise. But surprisingly, there's not a heck of a lot of data on why a customer decides not to buy something. So Fujitsu is hoping its new Kinect-based research tool provides more insight into how customers browse, and why they may decide against a purchase.



Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/AufLdxtuFok/kinect-is-going-to-watch-how-you-browse-not-just-what-509037119

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Snow Fail: The New York Times And Its Misunderstanding Of ...

You remember Snow Fall, don?t you? It was that awesome interactive reporting piece by The New York Times that everyone talked about for a week.

It was called ?the future of online journalism.? It was praised as a way for The New York Times to courageously battle back against online upstarts like Buzzfeed and their non-serious cat spreads. Or to not change the company?s fortunes at all.

It even won a Webby! (Oh yeah, and a Pulitzer.)

The New York Times spent months and had an entire team working on the creation of Snow Fall, and it shows. But what if I told you that you could recreate the same interactive experience in just about an hour? You?d like that, wouldn?t you?

Well, The New York Times wouldn?t.

Cody Brown, co-founder of interactive web design tool Scroll Kit, did just that.

He recreated the Snow Fall piece using Scroll Kit to show that you didn?t need an army of developers or designers to create the same type of interactive storytelling. In fact, the tools exist today to build other compelling narratives that take advantage of the combination of text, and video, and images.

To show how easy it was, Brown recorded a video of the process, showing how a user could create the same type of experience in under an hour. And he uploaded it to YouTube, and posted it to the Scroll Kit website. There, he introduced it this way:

?The NYT spent hundreads of hours hand-coding ?Snow Fall.? We made a replica in an hour.?

The video lived there for about a month, Brown tells me, before receiving a letter from The New York Times legal team, demanding that the video be taken down. After consulting with Scroll Kit?s legal counsel, the team complied with the takedown request, kind of. They actually set the video to private on YouTube so that no one could see it.

But they kept the line about making a replica of Snow Fall on the website. Because, well, it was true.

It wasn?t long before another C&D nastygram from The New York Times arrived, demanding that they not only delete the video from YouTube ? which they eventually did ? but that they remove any reference to The New York Times from their website.

From Scroll Kit?s perspective, the video was only meant as a way to instruct others about how easy it can be to build a compelling interactive experience, not as a way to aid and abet terrorism copyright infringement.

Brown said the Scroll Kit team was ?super excited? to see Snow Fall released and the amazing reception to it. They had been been working on their tools for longer than the NY Times had been working on Snow Fall, and saw it as a validation of their startup. But at the same time, it also represented the inequality between publications that can afford to create interactive stories and those that can?t.

?It?s become a symbol of the potential of journalism, but also the barrier to how something like that could be made,? Brown told me.

If the knock against Snow Fall was that only someplace like The New York Times can afford to create something like that, Brown believes Scroll Kit is the tool that would get costs down enough for smaller organizations and independents to enable a whole new set of unique web experiences.

Unfortunately, it doesn?t have the legal resources to fight The New York Times ? Brown admits that much. But for now, the tiny startup is holding fast and keeping The New York Times reference on its website, and have told the Grey Lady as much.

Unfortunately, she is not amused. She is offended! Peep her legal team?s most recent response, from Senior Counsel Richard Samson:

Dear Mr. Brown:

We are offended by the fact that you are promoting your tool, as a way to quickly replicate copyright-protected content owned by The New York Times Company. It also seems strange to me that you would defend your right to boast about how quickly you were able to commit copyright infringement:

The NYT spent hundreds of hours hand-coding ?Snow Fall? We made a replica in an hour.

If you wouldn?t mind using another publication to advertise your infringement tool, we?d appreciate it.


Richard Samson

scroll kit makes building a webpage more like drawing on a piece of paper.

? Learn more

Source: http://techcrunch.com/2013/05/21/snow-fail-the-new-york-times-and-its-misunderstanding-of-copyright/

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Drugs found to both prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease in mice

May 21, 2013 ? Imagine a pharmaceutical prevention, treatment or even cure for Alzheimer's disease.

It is almost impossible to overstate how monumental a development that would be and how it would answer the prayers of millions.

Though science isn't there yet, a new study published in The Journal of Neuroscience spearheaded by USC Davis School of Gerontology researchers offers a tantalizing glimpse of potential solutions.

"Our data suggests the possibility of drugs that can prevent and treat Alzheimer's," said lead author, professor and lab principal Christian Pike of USC Davis. "It's just mouse data but extremely encouraging mouse data."

The team studied the effects of a class of drugs called TSPO ligands on male mice that were genetically engineered to develop Alzheimer's disease, known as 3xTg-AD mice. Because a key mechanism of TSPO ligands is to increase production of steroid hormones, it was important to ensure that the mice had low levels of testosterone and related hormones before treatment. Younger mice were castrated while, in older mice, the decrease occurred as a normal consequence of aging.

"We looked at the effects of TSPO ligands in young adult mice when pathology was at an early stage and in aged mice when pathology was quite severe," Pike said. "TSPO ligands reduced measures of pathology and improved behavior at both ages."

The most surprising finding for Pike and his team was the effect of TSPO ligands in the aged mice. Four treatments -- one per week over four weeks -- in aged 3xTg-AD mice resulted in significant lowering of Alzheimer's-related pathology and improvements in memory behavior. This finding suggested the possibility that TSPO ligands can reverse components of Alzheimer's and thus have the potential to be useful in treatment.

For humans, these findings may indeed be quite significant.

"TSPO ligands are currently used in humans in certain types of neuroimaging. Newer TSPO ligands are at the clinical trials stage of development for treatment of anxiety and other conditions," Pike said. "There is a strong possibility that TSPO ligands similar to the ones used in our study could be evaluated for therapeutic efficacy in Alzheimer's patients within the next few years."

In light of the findings, the team will next focus on understanding how TSPO ligands reduce Alzheimer's pathology. Building on the established knowledge that TSPO ligands can act protectively by reducing inflammation, shielding nerve cells from injury and increasing the production of neuroactive hormones in the brain, the team will study which of these actions is the most significant in fighting Alzheimer's so it can develop newer TSPO ligands accordingly.

While Pike and his team acknowledged that the findings represent an exciting possibility, the researchers also stressed that it is by no means a given.

"From the optimistic perspective, our data provide very promising findings with tangible potential benefits for both the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's," Pike said. "On the pessimistic side, research scientists have developed many interventions that cured Alzheimer's in mice but have failed to show significant benefits in humans. A critical direction we are currently pursuing is successfully translating these findings into humans."

Co-authors of the study were Anna Barron (former USC Davis postdoctoral student and Molecular Imaging Center, National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Japan); Luis Garcia Segura (Instituto Cajal, Spain); Donatella Caruso and Roberto Melcangi (Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences, Centre of Excellence on Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Milan); and Anusha Jayaraman and Joo Lee (USC Davis).

The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health in support of the USC Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, directed by Helena Chui, professor of neurology and gerontology at USC.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/~3/4qlBDWU1pHs/130521153940.htm

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Samsung Galaxy :: RE: Samsung Galaxy S4

Voir le sujet pr?c?dent :: Voir le sujet suivant ? Auteur Message JPM78
Membre d'honneur

Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2006
Messages: 3015
Localisation: Sonchamp

?#1?MessagePost? le: 06/05/2013 15:20?? ?Sujet du message: Samsung Galaxy S4 R?pondre en citant

Premier retour d?exp?rience :
La fameuse ? b?te ? est l? ! La pr?sentation en petite bo?te d?cor?e fa?on ancienne, est plut?t sympathique.
Lorsque l?on ouvre cette bo?te ? Whaouuuuu ! Franchement, superbe ! Une finesse et une prise en main hallucinante. On pourra dire et redire le plus grand mal du plastique (Dieu sait les tonnes de commentaires sur le Net ? ce sujet), la finition est impeccable ! En Noir, tout simplement magnifique et class !
Bien entendu, la mise en route est simple et rapide, toutes mes applis sont r?cup?r?s et contacts, agenda, mails idem gr?ce ? la synchro. M?me mon calendrier Microsoft Live !
Points forts :
- L??cran full HD. Une merveille ! Je crois que beaucoup de superlatifs ont ?t? utilis?s pour le qualifier, et bien ce n??tait pas de la superf?tation, mais bien la r?alit??
- Prise en main : Parfaite !
- Fluidit? : exemplaire. Pour le moment, pas un seul lag, que ce soit en utilisation normale ou en vision de vid?o.
- L?autonomie m?a l?air excellente. Mais cela reste ? confirmer.
- TouchWizz revu et corrig?. Bien plus agr?able et en plus, un beau widget M?t?o.
- APN : un ? monstre ? de qualit? ! Mais attention, les images flirtent all?grement avec les 6 Mo !
- Etc ? (ou ? suivre ou d?couvrir ?)
Points faibles (eh oui, il y en a !)
- La m?moire de stockage disponible (il y a un article sur Smartphonefrance ? ce sujet). L?, carton rouge ? l?oncle Sam ! Le mobile pr?t ? ?tre utiliser dispose de ? 8,45 Go ! O? sont les 8 manquants ? Sam r?pond que 7 Go sont n?cessaires pour le Full Hd et les ? belles ? applis du TouchWizz. Je crois que ?a ressemble ? un beau ? foutage de gueule ? ! Carte d?extension 16, 32 ou 64 Go obligatoire?
- Pas de coques offertes avec. Compte-tenu du prix (620?) cela aurait ?t? sympa.
Conclusion :
- Une tr?s belle r?alisation de Samsung qui, une fois en main, se d?marque totalement du S3. Plus fin, plus r?actif, prise en main sup?rieure, qualit? d?affichage magnifique, ce n?est certainement pas une am?lioration du S3. C?est un S4 !
A plus pour d?autres retours?
- Galaxy S4 - microSD SDHC 32Go Class 6
- Galaxy SIII
-HTC HD2, le meilleur de HTC !
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Visiteur Bronze

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Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2006
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Visiteur Bronze

Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2006
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Revenir en haut de page JPM78
Membre d'honneur

Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2006
Messages: 3015
Localisation: Sonchamp

?#7?MessagePost? le: 10/05/2013 10:13?? ?Sujet du message: R?pondre en citant

Je reviens sur la suite de mon exp?rience utilisateur S4 (comme le disent si bien nos "chers" fabricants).
Je tiens ? souligner la finition exemplaire de ce mobile. Bien qu'il soit en plastique, le design g?n?ral, surtout le coloris Noir, lui donne un aspect class et s?rieux.
L'?cran est absolument magnifique. Les couleurs sont quasi parfaites.
L'autonomie est au rendez-vous ! Ce monstre de puissance sait se faire ?conome !
L'interface TouchWizz a ?t? redessin?e et est plus sobre. Les Widgets sont beaux et fonctionnels. Surtout celui de la M?t?o (mon pr?f?r?).
L'appli Keep Notes de Google s'int?gre parfaitement dans cet univers Samsung. Bien plus que S Notes.
Pas un seul bug, pas de latences, pas de surchauffe, tout tourne parfaitement.
L'appli Email de base a ?t? profond?ment modifi?e (je suppose que c'est Android 4.2). Du coup, je n'utilise plus l'appli Gmail. Je b?n?ficie d'une belle interface et de plus, de la notification d'icone (toujours pas pr?sente sur Gmail).
Ce mobile est une tr?s belle r?ussite. Je persiste, mais ce n'est pas un S3 am?lior? ! J'ai la chance d'avoir les deux (celui de ma compagne et mon S4), j'ai donc pu comparer.
L'Apn est flamboyant. Le menu en carrousel est une bonne initiative. Tr?s pratique ! La qualit? des photos est remarquable. toutefois (je me r?p?te), carte additionnelle obligatoire ! Les images flirtent all?grement avec les 6/7 Mo... Beaucoup de fonctionnalit?s ? la disposition de l'utilisateur. Bravo !
Bien s?r, le d?faut majeur du S4 (mais cela fait un moment que ?a perdure), c'est la m?moire disponible !
Du coup, sur le Net, apr?s avoir tir? ? boulets rouges sur Samsung, "on" s'aper?ois que le One, le Xperia, le S3, enfin tous, sont aussi touch?s par ce fl?au !
Il serait temps que la CEE prenne ce dossier en compte... C'est vrai que c'est trompeur et mensonger. Surtout pour le prix de ces joyaux...
Ne charger QUE les applis vraiment utiles... La carte MicroSD est la bienvenue.
- Galaxy S4 - microSD SDHC 32Go Class 6
- Galaxy SIII
-HTC HD2, le meilleur de HTC !
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Visiteur Bronze

Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2006
Messages: 1025
Localisation: 34 - S?te

?#8?MessagePost? le: Hier ? 01:42?? ?Sujet du message: R?pondre en citant

J'ai voulu faire un petit retour de ce fameux S4 dans l'apr?s-midi mais j'ai eu un plantage du forum. Grrrrr

Je vais devoir tout refaire !

Rolling Eyes
SAMSUNG Galaxy S4 I9505 + ?SD 64GB Cl. 10
SAMSUNG Galaxy S2 I9100P + ?SD 32GB Cl. 10

Forfait :Free 15.99?

Revenir en haut de page Christophe

Inscrit le: 18 Ao? 2006
Messages: 10851
Localisation: Vend?e

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ForumSPF/~3/Mgpw0wlLUzo/viewtopic.php

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Health News - Gym class reduces probability of obesity, study finds ...

ITHACA, N.Y. ? Little is known about the effect of physical education (PE) on child weight, but a new study from Cornell University finds that increasing the amount of time that elementary schoolchildren spent in gym class reduces the probability of obesity.

The study represents some of the first evidence of a causal effect of PE on youth obesity, and is forthcoming in the Journal of Health Economics.

An early, online version of the study can be viewed at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167629613000556

The research offers support for the recommendations of organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control, Institute of Medicine, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, all of which have advocated increasing the amount of time that elementary school children spend in gym class, says lead researcher and Cornell professor of policy analysis and management, John Cawley, who conducted the study with Chad Meyerhoefer of Lehigh University (Cornell Ph.D. 2002) and David Frisvold of Emory University.

Treating variation in the amount of time that states mandate schoolchildren spend in PE as natural experiments, the researchers found that an additional 60?minutes per week of PE time (enough to bring states without an explicit requirement up to the amount of PE recommended by the CDC) reduces the probability that a fifth-grader is obese by 4.8 percentage points.

The researchers also detected a gender difference: additional PE time reduces weight for boys but has a negligible effect for girls. One explanation for this difference, says Cawley, is that PE and other types of physical activity are complements for boys (increased PE leads boys to be more active in structured physical activities like organized sports), but substitutes for girls (increased PE leads girls to spend more time watching television).


Contact Syl Kacapyr for information about Cornell?s TV and radio studios.



Contact: Syl Kacapyr
Phone: (607) 255-7701

Source: http://www.healthcanal.com/life-style-fitness/38860-gym-class-reduces-probability-of-obesity-study-finds-for-first-time.html

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Sports world keeps eye on Oklahoma tornado

The massive tornado that ripped through a handful of Oklahoma City suburbs and killed at least 50 people grabbed the attention of the sports world on Monday, especially the players and coaches with ties to the area.

Kevin Durant, a three-time scoring champion for the NBA's Oklahoma City Thunder, posted on his Twitter account that he was praying for everyone involved. He added: "Everybody stay safe!"

Mets pitcher Jeremy Hefner went to Plaza Towers Elementary School in Moore, just south of Oklahoma City. The school had its roof torn off and walls knocked down. Some of those killed died at the school.

"I mean, it's terrifying," the right-hander said.

Hefner still has family living in Moore. He said he had been in contact with his mother, who told him his cousins and uncles were OK.

"It's just unfathomable," he said. "I used to live there."

Dodgers star Matt Kemp posted on Twitter: "'m giving $1000 for tonight's HR and every HR until the All-Star break for the victims of my hometown in OKC. (hash)PrayforOklahoma"

Coverage of the tornado damage was on the clubhouse TV as the Red Sox prepared for their game at the Chicago White Sox.

"It's a tragedy when you see a natural disaster like that take place, so many innocent people that are certainly affected, if not directly by injury or possibly loss of life," Boston manager John Farrell said. "Having been though something similar back in 1997 that had probably very similar damage, it's a scary situation. Our thoughts are with all the people affected."

Farrell played for Oklahoma State in college, and then served as the assistant coach and pitching and recruiting coordinator for the Cowboys for five seasons from 1997-2001.

"The location today is very close to where it was back in '97," Farrell said. "Just that area just south of Oklahoma City seems to be right in the path of unfortunately a lot of storm fronts and certainly the tornadoes again today."

White Sox manager Robin Ventura also played his college ball at Oklahoma State, where was a three-time All-America. The Santa Maria, Calif., native said he didn't know anything about tornadoes until there were a couple that passed through the area while he was in school.

"It's scary," he said. "There's nothing you can do about it."

Browns quarterback Brandon Weeden, who played at Oklahoma State and grew up in the Oklahoma City area, was relieved that no one in his wife's family was injured.

"Devastating damage to Moore, Oklahoma due to Tornadoes," Weeden wrote on his Twitter account. "Please keep these people in your prayers. Thankfully (at)MelanieWeeden family is safe."

Kansas coach basketball coach Bill Self also went to Oklahoma State.

"We wish nothing but the very best for (those affected by the storm) and our thoughts are with them," he said.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/sports-world-keeps-eye-oklahoma-tornado-050735322.html

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PFT: Gronk to have back evaluated in 3-4 weeks


It?s essentially a Te?obargo, and the Chargers now admit they won?t be making their second-round pick available to the media at all until the middle of June.

So why are they not letting Te?o talk?? Chargers director of public relations Bill Johnston addressed the situation today on XTRA Sports 1360 in San Diego.

?Right now, anything that he does . . . makes news,? Johnston said.? ?Right now, the news that people are talking about with him is really not the news that we want him to be talking about.? Really, he?s a rookie, he?s a second-round draft pick, yet everybody wants to talk to him.? Well, why?? Well, it all goes back to that stuff that happened back in the winter, and back when he was at Notre Dame.

?To us, that?s not what we want him talking about.? We want him focused on becoming a Charger, on becoming a better player.? Learning our system.? Getting comfortable here.? We want him talking football, talking Chargers, and that?s all we want him focused on right now.? So we?re doing what we think is in his best interests to stay focused and become the best player he can.?

That really doesn?t make much sense, frankly.? Media availability inherently is a distraction, regardless of the topics addressed.? Any time spent talking to the media takes away from Te?o's effort to become a better player and learn the system.

Moreover, the furor regarding the Lennay Kukua nonsense largely has subsided.? It wasn?t, for example, much of an issue during the first session between Te?o and the media on May 10, in connection with the team?s rookie minicamp.

Of course, the controversy can remain relevant if Te?o does things to keep it relevant.? For example, he chose to attend the Maxim party honoring a list of women that included the non-existent Kukua.? Under the circumstances, it?s fair game to ask him why he did it.

It?s not fair game for the Chargers to protect him, or anyone other player simply because the team wants him to talk about certain subjects and not others.? Watch the video from the May 10 session; the kid can handle himself well.? Besides, they picked him knowing what having him on the team would entail.? It?s short-sighted to treat him differently than every other player.

Think of the message that sends this to the locker room, at a time when he?d love nothing more than to simply be one of the guys.? He?s necessarily not one of the guys, because the team is giving him different treatment than the rest of his teammates.

Meanwhile, the team is making the issue even bigger than it should be, giving Te?o yet another topic to address when he finally talks to the media and making it harder for him to lay the foundation for a positive relationship with the folks who buy ink by the truckload.

While it?s hard for any organization to reverse a decision that has been made and implemented, the best move for the Chargers would be to treat Te?o no differently than any other player ? and to hope that the media eventually will do the same thing.

Source: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/05/20/arm-surgery-complete-next-for-gronkowski-is-evaluation-of-back/related/

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Most elite athletes believe doping substances are effective in improving performance

Most elite athletes believe doping substances are effective in improving performance [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 21-May-2013
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Contact: Jaime Morente-S?nchez
University of Granada

To achieve athletic success, improve performance, for financial gain or 'because other athletes also use them' are some of the reasons why athletes begin to use banned substances and methods

Most elite athletes consider doping substances "are effective" in improving performance, while recognising that they constitute cheating, can endanger health and entail the obvious risk of sanction. At the same time, the reasons why athletes start to take doping substances are to achieve athletic success, improve performance, for financial gain, to improve recovery and to prevent nutritional deficiencies, as well as "because other athletes also use them".

These are some of the conclusions of a study conducted by researchers from the Department of Physical and Sports Education at the University of Granada. Their research has also shown a widespread belief among elite athletes that the fight against doping is inefficient and biased, and that the sanctions imposed "are not severe enough".

In an article in the journal "Sports Medicine", the most important publication in the field of Sport Sciences, researchers Mikel Zabala and Jaime Morente-Snchez have analysed the attitudes, beliefs and knowledge about doping of elite athletes from all over the world. To this end, they conducted a literature review of 33 studies on the subject published between 2000 and 2011, in order to analyse the current situation and, as a result of this, to act by developing specific, efficient anti-doping strategies.

Fewer controls in team-based sports

The results of the University of Granada study reveal that athletes participating in team-based sports appear to be less susceptible to using doping substances. However, the authors stress that in team sports anti-doping controls are clearly both quantitatively and qualitatively less exhaustive.

The study indicates that coaches seem to be the principle influence and source of information for athletes when it comes to starting or not starting to take banned substances, while doctors and other specialists are less involved. Athletes are becoming increasingly familiar with anti-doping rules, but there is still a lack of knowledge about the problems entailed in using banned substances and methods, which the researchers believe should be remedied through appropriate educational programmes.

Moreover, they also conclude that a substantial lack of information exists among elite athletes about dietary supplements and the secondary effects of performance-enhancing substances.

In the light of their results, the University of Granada researchers consider it necessary to plan and conduct information and prevention campaigns to influence athletes' attitudes towards doping and the culture surrounding this banned practice. "We should not just dedicate money almost exclusively to performing anti-doping tests, as we currently do. To improve the situation, it would be enough to designate at least a small part of this budget to educational and prevention programmes that encourage athletes to reject the use of banned substances and methods", Mikel Zabala and Jaime Morente-Snchez conclude. In this context, one pioneering example in their opinion is the Spanish Cycling Federation's "Preventing to win" project.



Doping in Sport: A Review of Elite Athletes' Attitudes, Beliefs, and Knowledge.
Morente-Snchez J, Zabala M.
Sports Medicine. 2013 Mar 27.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Most elite athletes believe doping substances are effective in improving performance [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 21-May-2013
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Contact: Jaime Morente-S?nchez
University of Granada

To achieve athletic success, improve performance, for financial gain or 'because other athletes also use them' are some of the reasons why athletes begin to use banned substances and methods

Most elite athletes consider doping substances "are effective" in improving performance, while recognising that they constitute cheating, can endanger health and entail the obvious risk of sanction. At the same time, the reasons why athletes start to take doping substances are to achieve athletic success, improve performance, for financial gain, to improve recovery and to prevent nutritional deficiencies, as well as "because other athletes also use them".

These are some of the conclusions of a study conducted by researchers from the Department of Physical and Sports Education at the University of Granada. Their research has also shown a widespread belief among elite athletes that the fight against doping is inefficient and biased, and that the sanctions imposed "are not severe enough".

In an article in the journal "Sports Medicine", the most important publication in the field of Sport Sciences, researchers Mikel Zabala and Jaime Morente-Snchez have analysed the attitudes, beliefs and knowledge about doping of elite athletes from all over the world. To this end, they conducted a literature review of 33 studies on the subject published between 2000 and 2011, in order to analyse the current situation and, as a result of this, to act by developing specific, efficient anti-doping strategies.

Fewer controls in team-based sports

The results of the University of Granada study reveal that athletes participating in team-based sports appear to be less susceptible to using doping substances. However, the authors stress that in team sports anti-doping controls are clearly both quantitatively and qualitatively less exhaustive.

The study indicates that coaches seem to be the principle influence and source of information for athletes when it comes to starting or not starting to take banned substances, while doctors and other specialists are less involved. Athletes are becoming increasingly familiar with anti-doping rules, but there is still a lack of knowledge about the problems entailed in using banned substances and methods, which the researchers believe should be remedied through appropriate educational programmes.

Moreover, they also conclude that a substantial lack of information exists among elite athletes about dietary supplements and the secondary effects of performance-enhancing substances.

In the light of their results, the University of Granada researchers consider it necessary to plan and conduct information and prevention campaigns to influence athletes' attitudes towards doping and the culture surrounding this banned practice. "We should not just dedicate money almost exclusively to performing anti-doping tests, as we currently do. To improve the situation, it would be enough to designate at least a small part of this budget to educational and prevention programmes that encourage athletes to reject the use of banned substances and methods", Mikel Zabala and Jaime Morente-Snchez conclude. In this context, one pioneering example in their opinion is the Spanish Cycling Federation's "Preventing to win" project.



Doping in Sport: A Review of Elite Athletes' Attitudes, Beliefs, and Knowledge.
Morente-Snchez J, Zabala M.
Sports Medicine. 2013 Mar 27.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-05/uog-mea052113.php

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